The Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London

The graffiti in the Upper Beauchamp Tower is an incredible physical reminder of the number and variety of prisoners held in the Tower of London.

The Tower of London was an infamous high-status prison for Kings, Queens and other important prisoners.

The graffiti in the Upper Beauchamp Tower is an incredible physical reminder of the number and variety of prisoners held here. In this new presentation, a layer of primary interpretation frames the graffiti and enhances visitor understanding by giving a clear context as to who was imprisoned and why. A secondary layer of tactile interpretation aimed at younger audiences encourages a closer exploration of the carved inscriptions and helps visitors to make an emotional connection to the prisoners that once dwelled here.

Site: The Tower of London

Role: Interpretation Manager, Project Lead and Project Manager

Target Audience: Families with 7 to 11-year-old children

Opened: Autumn 2018